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  • Writer's pictureLaura DG

Transitioning Your Closet from Summer to Fall

In this blog post, Olivia + Laura share how they're styling their summer wardrobe pieces for fall.

As much as I am not ready to let summer go, fall is around the corner! But first comes the dreaded transitional period – when one day feels like a blazing summer scorcher and the next brings a refreshing chill in the air. Navigating this fashion limbo requires a trusty arsenal of versatile wardrobe essentials. I'm talking about those pieces that seamlessly bridge the gap between the seasons, making sure you stay stylish and comfortable as summer becomes fall.

So, whether you're savoring the last days of summer sunshine or eagerly awaiting the fall foliage, these must-have transitional pieces are all you need. Mix, match, and play with these wardrobe essentials to survive the unpredictable weather.


Classic Blazers

A well-fitted blazer is a versatile powerhouse in your wardrobe. During the transition, pair it with your favorite summer dresses or throw it over a classic tee and jeans combo. As the weather cools, it effortlessly transforms your look into an autumn-ready ensemble.


Cardigans are the ultimate transitional layering piece. They provide just the right amount of warmth without the bulk. Opt for a lightweight, versatile cardigan that can be draped over a simple tank or tee when it's still sunny, or used to layer up on chilly evenings.


It's time to swap your sandals for a closed shoe. Loafers are a personal favourite as they're more elevated than a sneaker but still comfortable and chic! Pair them with dresses, jeans, or skirts for a stylish summer-to-fall transition.


My favourite summer-to-fall trend is laying knitwear. Turn that satin summer dress into a skirt by throwing a knit sweater over top! Or add a touch of preppiness, on those warmer days that will become cooler towards the end, by wearing a knit over the shoulder.


Of course denim is not specific to any particular season, it is so versatile! I'm especially loving the denim maxi skirts from summer make their way into fall fashion. Keep the momentum going by pairing them with knee high boots or a knit as was just mentioned.


Transitioning from summer to fall can be a fashionably smooth ride with the right pieces at your disposal -- that's what I'm here to help with! What else would you like to see from me in the coming weeks?


Laura from Olivia + Laura

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