
Sep 15, 20223 min

Surviving Back to School Blues

Summer has officially come to an end! In this blog post, Olivia + Laura share the tips and tricks they're using to fight the back to school blues.

September 22 might mark the start of fall, but the first day back to school marks the end of summer. We've been living our best lives for the last few months, and now we're back to class, homework and exams. Thinking of this brings us down, but we're sharing the tips and tricks we use to stay on track and fight the back-to-school blues.

1. Create a Schedule/Routine

This is number one on the list because it is THE most important. As girlies who juggle school, work and a blog, we need to have everything outlined to ensure that we are productive. Also, having a schedule keeps you organized and reduces stress since you know exactly what's ahead of you.

O+L Tip: Share your schedule with friends and family!

Whether it's a Google Docs or printed on a sheet, share your schedule with the people surrounding you. This can help you make plans with friends and reduce the amount of times your parents ask, "are you home for dinner?"

2. Cleanse Your Workspace

Back to school is essentially like starting a new chapter in your book of life. A new chapter equals a clean slate and what better way to do that then by cleansing your workspace. Theres a chance your desk is still filled with clutter from last year, or you might be missing stationary to start the year right. So, clean the spot you're about to spend the next year at and make it a space you actually want to sit at.

3. Move Your Body

Moving your body doesn’t have to mean a high intensity workout, it could also be quick 15 minute walk around the park. All forms of exercise are proven to reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue as well as improve your overall mood. Time to get moving!

O+L Tip: Enter an Apple Watch Competition

If you have an Apple Watch, listen up! You can compete with friends and earn points with every additions to your Move, Stand and Exercise rings. The person with the highest points at the end of the week wins. The competition can act as incentive to take a walk or even start first pumping to close your exercise rings at 11PM (those who know, know).

4. Get Enough Sleep

We know, first hand, how hard it could be to get our 7 to 8 hours of sleep sometimes but don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. A poor sleep schedule is linked commonly linked with anxiety and increased stress. Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day!

5. Find a Hobby You Love

Taking breaks throughout your day has been proven to increase productivity so be sure to fit some into your schedule. Whenever you need a break from school or work, do something that doesn't feel like work — for us, it's blogging or reading!

6. Make Time for Friends/Loved Ones

Make time for the people that matter! Pre-plan a day each week or month to see your friends, family and significant others. Even if it means meeting up before or after class, a coffee date goes a long way!

Happy back to school and thank you for reading this week's blog post! School might be back into our lives but we're here to cheer you up along the way. Stayed tuned for future blog posts.


Olivia + Laura
