
Mar 9, 20232 min

How to Spring Clean Your Wardrobe

In this blog post, Olivia + Laura will share the ultimate spring cleaning guide to clear out your wardrobe and get ready for those hotter months.

Spring is a time of out with the old and in with the new. With the sunny days ahead and warmer days becoming the new norm, we are all anticipating the end of winter. The best way to prepare and cleanse away the winter blues? Cleaning out the closet!

Not only is this a great way to declutter but it's also great for your mental health. If you don't know where to start, we've got you!

1. Make the Time

This might be an all day event, so clear your calendar and be prepared to spend a while in your closet. Those colder spring days are perfect for this!

2. Know What You Have

We can't even count the amount of times we forgot we bought or had a piece of clothing. When something is out of sight, it's also out of mind which means you won't be wearing it.

We suggest removing all the clothes from your closet and drawers and taking a look at everything we own.

3. Try Everything On

You'd be surprised to see how much you're holding on to that doesn't fit anymore! Trying things on also gives you a visual idea of what is in your closet and can help you to create a capsule wardrobe. You may have loved it once, but things change.

To remember your capsule wardrobe, take pictures and add it to a folder in your camera roll!

4. Set Expiration Dates

We all have that sweater or pair of jeans that we say we'll wear but never do. So, just like with food, give your clothes an expiration date. If by the end of the season you do not wear it, its time to donate. This gives you the opportunity to try and style this piece or bid your good-byes when you realize it doesn't spark joy anymore.

5. Donate What You Don't Want

While decluttering and cleaning out your wardrobe, create a donations pile! Give your clothing a second life and allow someone else to enjoy your pieces after you're done with them! Keep in mind that clothing and shoes should be fairly new or gently used.

A few charities to drop off your donations:

Thank you for reading this week's blog post! We hope we've inspired you to get started on your spring cleaning! Let us know on Instagram if you followed our tips.

We're finally getting our personality back, IYKYK!

